Linda Harper has worked in Children’s Ministry for more than forty years, serving as Teacher, Worship Leader, Mentor, Curriculum Developer and Songwriter. She is a member of ASCAP, the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers and her songs are also listed with CCLI, Christian Copyright Licensing International. She has studied song-writing under multiple Professional Songwriters and Worship Leaders and attended many song-writing seminars, Children’s Church Conferences and Worship Leading Conferences hosted by Vineyard Music, Integrity’s Hosanna Music, Passion’s Lift Conference for song-writers and worship leaders.
She has studied under Mike O’Brien, Vineyard Worship Leader Developer and Studio Owner/Producer. She has attended Conferences and Seminars by David Ruis, Lamar Boschman, Morris Chapman, Martin Nystrom and Lynn DeShazo of Integrity/Hosanna Music, studied Andy Parks Worship Leading and Song-Writing Video series, attended classes by Adam Russell, Director of Vineyard Music USA and has participated in various conference break-out sessions with many published song-writers.
Linda has written many children’s songs that have been sung in multiple churches including songs that are currently being streamed around the world in many nations with more songs being produced for release soon.
Her Children’s Curriculum “Tent Time” written in partnership with International Minister and University President, Dr. Mark Virkler, has been taught in multiple churches in the USA, in India and most recently in South Africa and Richmond Virginia. Recently translated into French, it has helped many children learn how to hear and respond to God’s Voice. The songs she has written to accompany the curriculum have also been enjoyed by children in more than a dozen local preschools, multiple homeschools and by many children around the world.Â
Linda lives in Birmingham, Alabama with Ken, her husband of forty-four years. They have one adult son, David, a software developer, who lives in Florida. They have served in their local church for over 20 years as Elders and in various leadership and ministry positions. Linda has served as a teacher and Worship Leader. Her passion is to continue inspiring younger generations to become the best they can be and fulfill their destiny. She has helped develop many musicians, singers and worship leaders through her various teaching programs such as Band Jam, Melody Makers, Melody Makers Movie Class and Worship Academy, designed to help develop aspiring worshippers, musicians and worship leaders. Some of her recent graduates now lead worship for both adult and children’s worship services. Her passion is to equip and develop as many new worshippers, singers, song writers and worship leaders as she can before Jesus returns!
Linda can be reached by email at [email protected]
For "Coloring Books with Matching Music" plus valuable FREE resources, visit Linda’s website STORE and TENT TIME pages in the Menu above.Â
Join me as I “Infuse the Word of God into the next generation through song!” Let’s write, produce and provide songs the Children need and will want to sing!
Children's Scripture Song by Linda Harper with Matching Coloring Sheet
With this song you are going to discover a FUN, effective way to hep your child experience God's love through His Word put to music
I am so glad to hear Tent Time is going so well. I knew that it would if people would only look at your products. We have been singing along with the DVD watching you, even though the kids were sick with a little fever. Dancing along with Miss Linda, you wouldn't know they felt badly. You are a blessing to our family and I pray that your work goes all over the world. Love you much - Patti
Patti's Comments about a new scripture song to be released soon:
I love the words and the Holy Spirit behind those words. I've had my phone to my ear this morning, just listening and thinking about how powerful that verse is and how many children will get it in their spirits through God using this song as a conduit of His love.
I love to play your Children's CD when I keep my granddaughter. I call it Sophie's CD, she is so attentive when I play it. It makes her laugh and smile. We especially love the ones like Twenty-Four Seven which helps with learning numbers and the days of the week. Also The Fruit of the Spirit. I find myself on other days singing this. One more we dance and sing to is A Very Special Promise (Jer. 33:3). Actually the whole CD is a very good and a fun way to get God's Word into the minds of our infants and small children, and what better way than with music! Hope you produce many more like this. In His Name, Reba
Oh, Linda, Noah is singing your song "Great Big God With a Still Small Voice" in his bed right now! My heart is melting! When he stopped singing I knew he was asleep. Trust me, it blesses my heart when I hear him singing your songs. Especially since he hardly ever sings. It seems like he only sings YOUR songs!! - Gretchen in Atlanta
Linda's ministry to children, and worship with children have been a tremendous impact on this upcoming generation of young worshippers. Her music is flowing from the Father's heart and it touches their lives. It writes God's Words on their hearts. I have used her songs in Sunday Children's Worship (ages 3-7), in Kid's Music Classes (ages 1-5) as well as in Preschool Chapel. Over and over again, I find that the songs Linda wrote are very easily connecting with the children's hearts. Due to the song's simple tunes and melodies, choice of words to express childlike understanding of the Father's love, that also invite the children to accompany each song with motions, they have been my "go to songs" whenever I work with pre-school age children. – Sandra
I have had the privilege of participating with 3 and 4 year old children during Tent Time activities. I was amazed at the automatic connection they had with the teachings. They listened to a story about hearing God's voice, learned a song with motions (that they still enjoy singing) and then drew pictures. Tent Time helps children get "in touch" with God at a young age. They also learn that God cares about the children and you don't have to be an adult to hear from God. - Robyn
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Children's Scripture Song with Matching Coloring Sheet written by Linda Harper
With this song you are going to discover a FUN, effective way to help your child experience God's love through His Word put to music