A Devotional Lesson Taught by Linda Harper in Children’s Church
From Luke 10:38-42 The main points for this Sunday: Don’t be too busy to get to know your neighbor…and don’t miss God in our busyness – Jason Daggett, IVC Children’s Pastor
Thursday afternoon I read Luke 10:38-42. It’s the story of “Busy Bee Martha” and her sister Mary. When Jesus came to their house for a visit, Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen closely to every word He was saying.
All the while, Busy Bee Martha was buzzing around, here and there, trying to serve something to eat and something to drink to every guest in the house that had come to see Jesus. She was way too busy to quiet herself down, sit down, and tune in to what Jesus was saying!
Jesus loved Martha, Jesus loved Mary, and their soon-to-be-famous brother, named Lazarus (you know, the one Jesus raised from the dead!) Anytime Jesus was...
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